AULRE Main Site >> HEA Archive Materials >> Section 1 >> Articles
Articles from the HEA PRS website
1 Anthony Hatzimoysis A Philosophy Primer in Virtual Seminars
2 Graeme Gooday Critical Approaches to using Professional Codes in Teaching Computer Ethics
3 Christopher Cowley Cultivating transferable skills in philosophy undergraduates
4 Anne Jordan Developing a Collaborative Online Aesthetics Module
5 Deirdre Burke Development of Key Skills in Religious Studies
6 Nik Jewell Dodos, DWEMs, and the Lecture
7 Jonathan Wooding

Early Christianity On-line: e-text and e-learning in Theology Teaching

8 Graeme Gooday Expunging King Canute, or, the virtues of starting by finding out what your students can actually do and what they do actually know
9 Martin Gough In at the deep end of essay marking
10 Bill Campbell Issues in Teaching the Holocaust
11 Hugh Pyper "It didn't happen like that"
12 George Macdonald Ross Kant on Teaching Philosophy
13 Bill Campbell Pedagogical Issues Deriving from ODL for Mature/Non-Traditional Students
14 George Macdonald Ross Philosophy & Enterprise; The Implications for Philosophy of the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative
15 Bernhard Weiss Philosophy, Objectivity and Accessibility
16 Juha Savolainen Philosophy Teaching As Cultural Heritage: From Bildung Und Urteilskraft To Communities Of Inquiry
17 George Macdonald Ross Plagiarism in Philosophy: Prevention Better than Cure
18 Gary Bunt PRS and Mental Health
19 Mary Hayward Recognising the changing face of Religious Studies at GCE AS & A Level
20 Julia Collar Responding to sexual stereotypes of fundamentalist and charismatic leaders in Religious Studies
21 George Macdonald Ross Socrates versus Plato: The Origins and Development of Socratic Thinking, Aspects of Education 49, 1993, 9-22; reprinted in Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 12/4, 1996, 2-8
22 Mary Hayward Tablula rasa or talented performer?
23 Annamaria Carusi Taking Philosophical Dialogue Online
24 Geoffery Cantor Teaching Philosophy & HPS to Science Students
25 Martin Cohen Teaching Philosophy through problems or why philosophy teaching is problematic
26 Keith Crome Text-based Teaching and Learning: A Report
27 Deirdre Burke The Development of Key Skills in Religious Studies
28 George Macdonald Ross The Establishment in the UK of a Philosophical and Religious Studies Subject Centre
29 George Macdonald Ross The Implications of Leibniz's Philosophy for Education in a Technological World
30 Wolfe Mays The Teaching of Philosophy
31 Simon Smith The Use of Fieldwork in an Undergraduate New Religious Movements Module
32 William Campbell The Vision of God and its Impact on the Educational Process
33 George Macdonald Ross Undergraduates should not be expected to read 17th- or 18th-century British philosophers in the original English
34 Gary Bunt Video conferencing and PRS
35 Bernhard Weiss Dyslexia and Logic
36 William Campbell Religious Commitment: a blessing or curse in the teaching of religion?
37 Gary Bunt Studying Islam after 9-11: Reflections and Resources
38 Graeme Gooday The Challenges Of Teaching History & Philosophy Of Science, Technology & Medicine To 'Science' Students
39 Gary Bunt The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001): the Implications for PRS
40 Graeme Gooday U-rated not X-rated: reassessing how science students could benefit from learning history of science
41 Gary Bunt Widening Access to PRS Subjects through Mind Mapping
42 Gary Bunt Widening Access to Theology and Religious Studies through the Application of Internet Resources
43 George Macdonald Ross Introduction: The Values of the PRS Subject Centre
44 John Sellars The three virtues of an historical approach to the history of philosophy
45 Nigel Taylor Teaching Philosophy to Students of Architecture and Town Planning
46 Susan Illingworth Ethics - Assessment
47 Susan Illingworth Ethics - Confidentiality
48 Nik Jewell History of 'Teaching Philosophy'
49 Keith Crome Text-based Teaching and Learning
50 Dr Constantinos Athanasopoulos Bibliographical Resources for e-Learning in Philosophical and Religious Studies
51 Mike Garfield Written text and living talk
52 George Macdonald Ross Teaching Portfolios
53 Deirdre Burke Subject Support to meet diverse student needs: Students as architects of their own learning
54 Wayne Morris Learning Teaching and Assessment with Deaf Students: The Development of a Programme in Christian Ministry
55 Julie Closs Aspiring Academics Programme
56 Clare Saunders et al Introduction to the study of philosophy
(also David Mossley, George Ross, Danielle Lamb & Julie Closs)
66 Paul N. Edwards How to Give an Academic Talk: Changing the Culture of Public Speaking in the Humanities
67 Julie Gallimore Sources of Further Information for Career Development
68 Katja Stuerzenhofecker, et al Sustainability in the Theology Curriculum (and Rebecca O'Loughlin and Simon Smith)
69 Dr Amy M. Russell Why Study Theology and Religious Studies
What is the good of your discipline?
57 Bradley Hillas A personal viewpoint - Bradley Hillas
58 Callum Ward A personal viewpoint - Callum Ward
59 Daniel Rey A personal viewpoint - Daniel Rey
60 Dimitar Milanov A personal viewpoint - Dimitar Milanov
61 Dino Jakusic A personal viewpoint - Dino Jakusic
62 Francesca Blando A personal viewpoint - Francesca Blando
63 Laura Solomons A personal viewpoint - Laura Solomons
64 Ross Drummond This article has been removed at the request of the author
65 Sophie O'Mahony A personal viewpoint - Sophie O'Mahony
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