AULRE 2018: Framing Knowledge, Power and the Professional
(Including the AULRE AGM with elections)
Heythrop College, London, UK, 10th-11th May (starting around mid-day of the 10th and finishing by 5 PM on the second day)
- Teaching Religion in an age of extremism Dr Lynn Revell, Reader in Religion and Education at Canterbury Christ Church University
- Knowing worldly RE Professor Julian Stern (York St John University)
- The role of religious education re-examined Dr Daniel Moulin-Stożek (Daniel Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham, and recently of the Universidad de Navarra
- With a panel discussion on knowledge-based curriculum design: Dr Mark Chater (Director of Education, Culham St Gabriels), Dr Barbara Wintersgill (Editor of Big Ideas for RE https://goo.gl/H1DtBe) and Professor Rob Freathy, Professor of Education, University of Exeter
AULRE 2018: Framing Knowledge, Power and the Professional is an opportunity for academics and other education professionals who may be involved in growing and developing RE teachers or in researching RE from across the UK and beyond, to gather and offer critical and scholarly insights.
Colleagues are invited to submit short abstracts of no more than 250 words on papers that bring insight to the conference theme or any of these sub-themes.
- Knowledge that should be taught in classroom RE
- What learner’s imagine is really going on in RE
- Personal commitments in the classroom (teachers and pupils)
- How RE interprets religion and religious ways of finding things out
- Knowledge that should be taught in RE initial teacher education
- The role of research in RE, knowledge ‘generation’ and ‘exchange’, and public engagement
- Shaping, framing and controlling RE: powers and duties, compliance and resistance
- Contextual and global priorities in RE
- A topic related to the main title of the conference
Abstracts should be sent to bob.bowie@canterbury.ac.uk. Confirmation of acceptance will be given within 7 working days of receipt of abstracts (excluding public holidays). The deadline for abstracts is by March 6th. Paper presentations should be planned for 20 minutes and although powerpoint is available, delegates are welcome to bring handouts and talk.
The conference cost excludes over night accommodation which you must arrange separately
We are delighted to announce we have, for the first time, a doctoral student bursary scheme. Please see the attached form for information. Please note that this scheme requires that an AULRE member sponsor the doctoral application, and usually that person will be a supervisor or an associated and supporting university academic, who is also coming to the conference. All of the rules are on the attached FORM HERE: Doctoral-Student-Bursary-Scheme-for-AULRE-Members_final. This form is the application form for the doctoral student (they do not need to complete a separate paper submission.
Bob Bowie
Chair of AULRE