
The Annual General Meeting of AULRE  is held during the Association’s annual conference, which normally takes place in early September. Members are encouraged to take an active role in the governance and development of the Association. The day-to-day responsibility for administering the Association is held by the elected members of the Executive Committee:

Elected Officers (Elected 2024)

Dr. Pat Hannam (Chair)
Dr Ruth Flanagan (Vice Chair)
Elaine Arundell:  and Chris May: (Secretary/Membership​​)
Prof Stephen McKinney (Treasurer)

Other Officers (coopted by the exec):

Sean Whittle (Exec Chair)
Prof Stephen McKinney (Scotland)
Dr Linda Whitworth (Primary)
Prof Stephen Parker (Journal)
Dr Norman Richardson (Northern Ireland)
Lynda Maddock , ​​​​Dr Tania Ap Sion (Wales)
Dr Rachel Jackson Royal (NATRE link)
Prof Bob Bowie (Website)
Alexis Stones
Dr Rhiannon Love
Dr Janet Orchard
Dr Kate Christopher (AULRE/AREIAC conference planning group)
Dr Kathryn Wright
Dr Jo Fraser-Pearce
Prof Farid Panjwani

AULRE members are available to provide comment, analysis and advice to the press and media on issues of local, national and international significance at the interface of religion and education.

Our membership is made up of academics with a variety of research interests and expertise. WA directory of members interests and expertise is available in the members’ section, if you wish particular expertise please contact us.

Inquiries should be made, in the first instance, to the chair of AULRE, Pat Hannam