Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education (AULRE) and Association of Religious Education Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants (AREIAC) is delighted to announce its 2025 joint conference will be held at The University of Exeter : 26th and 27th June 2025.
In a time of climate and ecological breakdown, of social and political upheavals and increased polarization internationally, we address the question as to what a high-quality education in religion and worldviews can boldly offer to education at this time. Our conference brings together those with an interest in religious education (including researchers, teacher educators, advisers and teachers). Those working in aligned fields such as Education Studies, Moral Education, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theology as well as from within Childhood and Youth studies may also be interested in attending and offering presentations.
Full call for proposals from practitioners and researchers, for academic papers as well as practical classroom teaching and curriculum ideas that will be presented in chaired/facilitated parallel sessions will be publicised at the end of January 2025.