Dr Joyce Miller, keynote at AULRE 2015

By | 28th June 2015
Dr Joyce Miller

Dr Joyce Miller

We are delighted that Dr Joyce Miller is presenting a keynote at our AULRE 2015 conference. She retired in 2007 from the post of Head of Diversity and Cohesion at Education Bradford where she led a team promoting community cohesion, race equality and respect for diversity. This included responsibility for religious education and the Interfaith Education Centre.

Her most recent work was to co-ordinate an inquiry on behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group on RE. Her report ‘RE and Good Community Relations’ was launched at Westminster on 17 March, 2014.

She recently chaired the RE Council and the Board of Trustees of the Schools Linking Network. She is a former chair of the Association of RE Inspectors Advisers and Consultants (AREIAC) and of Bradford SACRE. She has chaired the monitoring and steering groups of the RE Quality Mark and the REsilience project.

Visit this page for more information about the conference and details of how to book your place http://aulre.org/conference/.

Watch Joyce participating in this debate about RE in Britain today.